Monday, November 25, 2013

Colin Kaepernick and Robert Griffin III Getting Knocked Silly

Neither Colin Kaepernick or Robert Griffin III are having a great season so far. Kaepernick has a better cast of play makers around him so his 49ers are still winning games, but RG3 is not having near as much luck. That makes the Monday night match-up between the two that much more delicious. 

Which quarterback can come alive and lead his team to glory? Neither if they keep taking hits like these!

Brandon Merriweather will get a note from the league for that sucker. He wasn't penalized for it, but he absolutely will be fined for it.

The one Aldon Smith laid on RG3 will not get him fined, but a half second later and it would have been a penalty. As is it will just contribute to Griffin's continuing struggles. At the least it is going to hurt a lot when he wakes up tomorrow morning.


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