Saturday, November 23, 2013

Don't Mess With the Ole Miss Marine (or any Marine)!

Gunnery Sgt. Stephen Roberts is the Assistant Marine Officer Instructor for the NROTC program, and well--I think it is safe to say the good sergeant is a football fan. When Ole Miss scored against Missouri he could be seen getting just a wee bit pumped up on the sideline.

When I first saw the GIF I didn't know who he was or what he was doing on the sideline of some football game, but after a little searching I found out who he was and what team he was cheering on. 

I think he's awesome. Let's be real folks. If there is anyone that can pump up (or tear down) anyone or anything it is a United States Marine. 

As I looked into him I found this article that talked about him gaining a level of internet infamy a couple years ago. The article talked about some folks trying to make fun of him--something I could not fathom. In that article was this GIF from a Texas/Ole Miss game in '11. 

To be honest--I was a little scared for Marquise Goodwin. This dude is intimidating as hell.

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