Sunday, November 10, 2013

LSU Fans Capped Off a Great Weekend of College Football

Sometimes the action in the stands is as good if not better than the game on the field. There is just something about college football that seems to bring out the wild and wacky. You know the type-- young, in college, likely drunk and with nowhere they have to be till class Tuesday afternoon (so they have plenty of time to get over their hangovers).

This weekend we had some great ones, i.e. the Baylor dancer, Stanford's nerds, but the best was saved till last.

If you have Superman on your side you have to be pumped up, right? Because nothing can stop Superman (except kryptonite; which Alabama had).

But what Superman can't handle a T-Rex can!

I'm going to guess this one was well after the T-Rex scene and this guy's buzz had worn off; didn't stop him from being a super fan. Although it did stop him from looking like a freak...

From Bleacher Report

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