Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer Apologizes for Saying 'Michigan' During Press Conference

I love rivalry week! It is just--well, awesome! Not only do get an awesome football game at the end of it, but throughout the week fans get treated to a crazy amount of trash talk (and other things) all related to the pursuit of greatness and domination of the other team.

And there is no rivalry better than the one that exist between Ohio State and Michigan!

The student body the week started off right for Ohio State with the unofficial Mirror Lake Jump Monday night; the official is supposed to be Tuesday. Plenty of players have taken to Twitter to get the trash talk going, but the best part (so far) come courtesy of Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer.

Meyer loves and appreciates tradition like no other so to do his part to fuel the fire he has banned his staff from even saying the word 'Michigan.' But than he goes and says the dreaded M word himself in Monday's press conference:

“I grew up in the Ten-Year War. I learned to dislike Michigan at a very young age, but you never truly appreciate (the rivalry) until you’re behind the walls here and see how serious it really is.”
Uh oh! As you can imagine the reporters were more than happy to point out his mistake. So what does he do?

He apologizes. Awesome.

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