Monday, November 25, 2013

Ohio State Pulls Off Traditional Mirror Lake Jump a Day Early in Spite of University's Objections

This is the best time of the year for football fans--its rivalry week for some of the biggest programs in college football. When you talk rivalries there are few--if any--that can compare to Ohio State/Michigan. Like any god rivalry there is going to be a lot of trash talk and more importantly a lot of traditions.

One of the big ones for the Buckeyes is the Mirror Lake Jump--a late night jump into some freezing cold water (pretty cool when you see hundreds of people doing it).

The university does not sanction the event, but for some odd reason they tried to control it anyway by monitoring access points and requiring students to use wrist bands to gain admittance.

WTF, right?

As it turns out there were some students that didn't care for that--so they planned to go a day early; on Monday night instead of Tuesday night. They even created a Facebook event page and sent out over 8000 invites. 

Sure enough--it happened!

A fence had been put up around the lake, but that didn't stop anyone. From what I'm hearing over social media channels is at least a good thousand students showed, pushed past the weak temporary fence and took the plunge!

Some of the comments on the event page are too funny:
"I'm reporting everyone who has joined this page to campus police, enjoy your arrest you **cking hooligans."
"so, who is sitting in the back of a po car?"
"FYI my girlfriend and I just jumped in and high fived cops on our way out so go have some fun!"
"#mirrorlakemonday has happened. Fences down, bodies in water."

I could go on and on (if you want to see more check out the event page), but the point of it all is that the kids stood up for their tradition and it lives on.

Good for you Buckeye Nation!

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