Sunday, November 24, 2013

Patriots Come Down With a Severe Case of Fumbilitus on SNF

Win or lose there are some things that coaches never want to see, and even if the team wins come Monday someone will pay. 


Fumbles kill drives and potentially put points on the board for the other time. During the first half of the first quarter Sunday night the Patriots had three--Stevan Ridley's that the Broncos returned 60-yards for an early 7-0 lead (see above).

Brady's cause by a Von Miller sack that set the Broncos up on a short field--which they wasted little time taking advantage of stretching the lead out to 14-0.

LaGarrette Blount was stripped of the ball, but the Broncos were only able to get a field goal.

So there you have 17 easy points within the first eight minutes of a game. Unacceptable,  right Coach Billichick?

I think he's mad. It could be because he can't get this vision of Rob Schneider out of his head.

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