Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rapper/Broncos Fan a Little Confused About Where the Kansas City Chiefs are From

The Kansas City Chiefs are the surprise of the season so far. After the horrible season they had last year who would have thought that they would be the lone undefeated team in the NFL going into Week 11. The Denver Broncos on the other hand are not a surprise to anyone. With Peyton Manning running the offense and Wes Welker added to the fold the Broncos are considered a favorite for the Super Bowl.

So its no wonder that their game on Sunday has become the must game of the season to date or that it has inspired fans to break into song--or rap--like many college fans do for their favorite teams.

Peyton mad! @SBNationGIF/Twitter
I love seeing fans do these kinds of videos, but I this guys could have/should have made sure he knew what he was talking about before making his video. He has a great theme for it--the whole we're not in Kansas anymore/Wizard of Oz thing--but there is one problem with that. The Chiefs aren't in Kansas.

In the YouTube description the artist tried to cover for his flaw:
I realize Kansas City plays in Missouri (although i didn't know until after I finished the song) The reason I still put the song out is because I clarify every time I say it, "Dorothy your not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy your not in Kansas...City" To me it still works. Its really a metaphor about "Dorothy" not being in her comfort zone (home) (Kansas CITY in the chiefs case) or her comfort zone of playing a sub par team or the comfort zone of playing a journeyman backup quarterback.
Good try man, but I think if you had just let it be I think a lot folks would have just laughed it off. Now we know you didn't do your homework or that you know your basic geography. 

I still dig the video though man.

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