Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Report: DNA Links Jameis Winston to Women he Allegedly Assaulted

Right when it sounded like the sexual assault case against Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston was going to go away it now seems like it might not. Why? Because now there is DNA evidence.

Sports Illustrated posted a story late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning claiming that authorities do have DNA evidence from the woman's underwear that belongs to Winston. The possibility that it might not be his (and the test was wrong)--one in 2.2 trillion.

So what does this mean? Basically-- not a darn thing. It shows that Winston does know the woman, but it does not prove an assault occurred.

It may not matter anyway. Word on Wednesday was that the alleged victim was not going to pursue charges. However, there were also stories claiming that she was being pressured not to press charges because Tallahassee is a 'football town.'

I think it is safe to say we have not heard the end of this story yet.

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