Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Safety Ed Reed Released by the Houston Texans

He was supposed to be a difference maker for the Houston Texans on defense this season. He was going to help put fear into the hearts of wide receivers that dared to catch a pass in the Texans secondary. He was going to be the same bad *ss for Houston that he had been for years in Baltimore.

Yeah, that didn't happen.

From Bleacher Report
He may have been born to do this, but it appears that he is done doing it--at least in Houston.

The move is hardly shocking. Reed spent more time injured in Houston than he did on the field. When he was on the field he was largely ineffective and was eventually demoted. When he called the team out for being predictable and not playing well he must have know the writing was on the wall already.

After all the time and energy the team spent in recruiting him and getting him to sign--what a waste.

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