Friday, November 29, 2013

Selena Gomez Puts Man to Sleep During Redskins-Themed Halftime Show for Cowboys Game

What Jerry Jones wants Jerry Jones gets. He wanted one of the hottest young stars for his Turkey Day halftime show and he got her--Selena Gomez. I suppose he figured the kids might be watching the game with Dad so he'd throw them a bone by getting Miss Gomez to do her thing at halftime.

I'm sure the kids liked it, but from the look of things it appeared that at least one person over the age of 21 did not.

Screenshot via Larry Brown Sports
How a person could actually be sleeping sitting that close to a concert stage like that is beyond me. Maybe he had more than his fair share of turkey a couple hours earlier and the food coma was setting in big time. 


From what my you g friends tell me this was a pretty good show. I'm not a fan of halftime shows (unless the Ohio State or Notre Dame band are involved) so I didn't look at it till I heard about the sleeping dude during her show. After watching the first few moments of the clip I could not get one thought out of my head.

Does she realize the color scheme matches that of Dallas's much hated rival, the Washington Redskins?

Come on! The maroon/red is pretty close to an exact match for the 'Skins color as is the yellow lights and flags in the background. Yeah, there is some green in with the lights. Otherwise, if it wasn't for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders shaking their pom pom in this clip I would have thought this was a halftime show for a Redskins game!

It's a minor thing Selena, but hey--y'all would have looked even better in blue and white. I'm just saying.

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