Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak is Back--and Already Talking About Screwing Everything Up!

Fans of the Houston Texans and football fans everywhere were in shock when Texans head coach Gary Kubiak collapsed on the field during half time of their game with the Colts a couple weeks ago. It turns out he had a mini-stroke and had to spend a few days in the hospital as well as take some time off.

On Wednesday he made his return to the practice field. Rather than stick to some nice safe platitudes he decided to throw everyone for a loop.

He opened up his time with the press innocently enough by asking if anyone missed him.Eventually someone asked him about the future of the team's new young starter, Case Keenum.

Fans will not like what he said.

He went on to talk about how hard Matt Schaub has been working and that he wants to get back on the field. Conventional wisdom would say that's nuts. Not only is he an interception machine but Keenum has been playing well.

Why rock the boat now? True, the team still isn't winning, but at least they are competitive.

Some might say that the team's second half struggles the last couple of games are Keenum's fault, but I'd say it's more of a playing calling issue. If Kubiak doesn't see it that way there is a good chance that we will see Schaub back on the field.

His loyalty to his quarterback of many years is admirable, but if he doesn't start thinking about what's best for the franchise he might find himself updating his resume after the end of the season.


  1. Kubiak is still feeling the symptoms of his mild stroke. Keenum should continue as the starter QB if for no other reason, to get the experience he needs. This season is lost & let there be a "QB Controversy" next year. Schaub and the Texan fans need a break this year and Keenum is giving them more than enough to help them forget about this disastrous season for now.

  2. Kubiak, I have been a supporter of yours when everyone was calling for your firing 4 years into your hiring. if you screw this up I will be the first on the bandwagon calling for your head. Schaub shouldn't see the field again for Texans. Keenum may not be the franchise QB we need but he isn't the reason we lost the last two games.

    1. I've known Gary since his days in Denver and we always knew that when HE HAD THE BALL, there was never a chance he would make bad decisions. This week against Oakland, he can beat them with his eyes closed. I like the way Case took control of the game and was very impressed with his ability to move the team. Don't expect too much in the beginning, let Gary have some input with his development and tutor him some, KEEP SCHAUB on the bench, and the Texans will be fine.. WHEN YOU DON'T EXPECT THE MOON, I believe you will like what you see. R. Willis in Denver.

  3. Go Texans, beat the Raiders!
