Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This Will Get You Hyped for the Baylor/Oklahoma State Game This Weekend (and every Baylor Game)

ESPN has put out a great clip as a promo for their Game of the Week this weekend--the No. 4 Baylor Bears versus the No. 10 Oklahoma State Cowboys. It's going to be an epic battle for sure and one that could very well have an impact on the national title hunt.

If you want to get hyped for that game watching the ESPN clip will do it for you. Me? I'm a fan of anything Texas and I love teams that rise from the ashes (much like Baylor has the last few years. 

So I could care less about watching anything about the Cowboys, but the Baylor Bears? I can't get enough. 

This clip will have any and every Baylor fan pumped and ready for the game this weekend, and to be honest this sucker will get you pumped for any and every Baylor game you ever want to watch. It's timeless and awesome all at the same time.

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