Sunday, November 17, 2013

Trouble in Houston as Veterans Matt Schaub and Andre Johnson Have Words on the Sideline

Pretty much the worst thing that could happen to the Houston Texans happened Sunday--besides Matt Schaub being inserted back into the lineup. Late in the game it appeared that Schaub might be able to pull the game out with a late touchdown toss with the team facing fourth and goal at the eight-yard line.

Instead he missed. What immediately followed on the sideline is what will haunt the Texans going into the next week--team leaders and veteran players Matt Schaub and Andre Johnson arguing on the sideline.

From Bleacher Report
It was relatively calm as far as sideline meltdowns go, but the fact that Andre Johnson--one of the calmer, nicer, more level headed players in the NFL (accept when he gets around Cortland Finnegan)--was involved in something like this is pretty telling about the state of affairs in Houston.

I find it interesting that no one seemed to bat an eye when they started yelling at each other either.

After the game Schaub tried to brush it off as two guys that were just in the moment and are passionate about the game. While that may be true the damage has been done.

There will already be some discord in the locker room because Keenum was pulled for no apparent reason. Some may call it warranted and cite that Schaub was able to get the team in contention at least. Others will say Keenum could have done it too given a chance.

Now add to the mix those who are also unhappy with Schaub and may take this scene as an opening to voice their displeasure as well. Some may also question Johnson for his actions (the argument and leaving the field before the game was over).

You've got a ship not under command here Gary Kubiak. You better do something--quick.

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