Monday, November 25, 2013

Watch Out Ohio State! The Notre Dame Marching Band is Pretty Damn Good Too!

I have become a fan of marching bands thanks to the awesome things that the Ohio State Marching Band has done in the last year. The T-Rex, Superman, last weekends salute to Gettysburg--incredible stuff. However, as it turns out they are not alone in that awesomeness, and maybe--just maybe--they might want to hold off on calling themselves the best damn band in the land!

Why? Check out what the Notre Dame Marching Band pulled off last weekend!

From Lost Letterman
The show was a salute to the first forward pass thrown by Charley “Gus” Dorais to Knute Rockne a century ago (as of November 1).

I've always treated halftime as the perfect time to go to the restroom, but I guess the next time I get to see the Fighting Irish play I might have to wait till the second half starts!

Well done Notre Dame Marching Band. Well done indeed.

[H/T Lost Lettermen]

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