Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What the Heck is that on the Cincinnati Bearcats Football Field?(hint--it's naughty)

When I was in college I did my share of stupid things. I went to a military college so it wasn't hard to do something that qualified as 'stupid.' There was the time I organized a group to haul my roommate up the school's flagpole so he could duct tape a banner to it (not dirty; kind of lame by normal college standards). It happened to be Parent's Weekend so it really angered the administration.

There are plenty more tales I could tell, but there is one thing that we never did that some yahoos at the University of Cincinnati did--we didn't get naughty.

Apparently they had just had a light snow and it is not too hard to break into the football stadium:

I have to agree with the folks at Sportress of Blogitude (where I got the pics from). Since the stadium is called Nippert Stadium they could have done something else a little more fitting, but hey--this is still pretty funny.

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