Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cam Newton: I Am Batman--Wait, What?

Cam Newton affinity for Superman is pretty well known from the socks he has been seen sporting to his touchdown celebration where he simulates pulling his shirt back to reveal the 'S.' This season he has certainly backed up the superhero comparisons by playing like--well, a little super human.

But is he Superman or is he Batman? 

Maybe Cam saw the latest Superman movie and didn't like what the subtle changes made to his favorite superhero so he decided to go with one from this planet. Or maybe he's taking the opportunity to rep Under Armour during the game without wearing official UA apparel.

But you know--when you do the things he's been doing on the football field you can call yourself whatever you want. Whether he's Superman, Batman, the Flash, Green Arrow, or freaking Wonder Woman--as long as he keeps getting the job done it's all good.

He can be whatever superhero he wants to be!

Able to leap tall lineman in a single bound!

Faster than a speeding bullet!

I got nothing here. This was just an awesome play.

[GIFs from Bleacer Report]

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