Sunday, December 1, 2013

Robert Griffin III Getting Beaten Like A Rag Doll ON SNF

For weeks we have been hearing about how the Redskins want their franchise quarterback getting hit less. Sounds like a pretty good idea, right? Fewer hits, fewer chances to get hurt, clearer head, better chance of making plays....yeah, I'd say that sounds like a good plan.

So how come they aren't following it?

Robert Griffin III  got pummeled in the first half of Sunday night's game against the New York Giants. he got laid out on the fourth and one attempt above (but at least they got it).

He appeared as if he was trying to throw a block here, but it was a pretty poor attempt. Looks more like he saw the hit coming and cringed! If you're scared say you're scared man...

As if the pounding the players were giving him was not enough, the freaking sideline chimed in! Ouch!

[GIFs from Bleacher Report]

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