Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Russian Hockey Team Hires Strippers to Work Box Office

If there is one aspect of marketing that has proven to be true over and over again it is this--sex sells. Let your advertising take a turn for the sexy and things (whatever it is you do) will improve. For instance, if you are a hockey team that wants more people heading to the ticket office why not hire strippers to do what they do and sell a few tickets?

To be precise, these ladies are not stripping while fans are buying tickets; just hanging out in some lingerie. If the Benny Hill music didn't make you laugh some of the comments translated from Russian to English on the video's YouTube page will.

Some of them were pretty crude and not very flattering; I'm going to leave those out. Here are some of the good ones. Keep in mind--they are exactly how Google translated them:
shame! dropped to the level of debility Western clowns here because of the young and stupid sheep in the eyes judged necessary for such
So I take this person doesn't like us much over here. He clearly has never been here if he thinks we get to see boobs when we buy hockey tickets--because if there was I would so be a hockey fan.
the feeling that this discontent write resentful losers) and virgins are great)
Yes, virgins are great. Otherwise I don't have a clue what he's saying.
Andriy stydoba at look at the Independence in the EU going? Piderasty lesbians more on perfume?
Lesbians like perfume?
At 3:20 "Gopnik" embarrassed and decided not to buy tickets)))))
Why? Was he afraid he'd have to stick them in her g-string?
[H/T Busted Coverage]

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