Wednesday, December 25, 2013

WATCH: the Trailer for the Next Great Football Movie--'Draft Day'

Remember months ago when pictures of Arian Foster in a Cleveland Browns uniform surfaced online? Well, the movie that he was donning the Browns gear for--Draft Day--has finally released a trailer and has a release date set (April 11); roughly a month before the 2014 draft.

Some folks might look at this and think, "Eh--another Kevin Costner movie," or "I thought he always did baseball movies?" I have no problem with Costner. He hasn't always made the best movies, but at least he hasn't sold out and taken a part in every movie under the sun, i.e. Samuel L. Jackson or Harrison Ford. 

Besides, if the man is half as good in a football movie as his baseball ones (Bull Durham--awesome; Field of Dreams--awesome; For Love of the Game--not as well known but still awesome) this is going to be a great flick.

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