Sunday, December 1, 2013

What Was With the Sewing Machine Being Pulled Out During the Auburn/Alabama Game?

Besides the incredible finish to the Iron Bowl there was another scene that had people thinking WTF? Late in the game on the Auburn sideline a sewing machine was pulled out. You know--because when a man wants to sew a man wants to sew.

There is actually a pretty good reason for it though.

I didn't see the torn jersey so I can't say what it looked like, but according to NCAA rules a player's jersey has to cover his shoulder pads completely. If for whatever reason the jersey gets torn and exposes the pads that players can be barred from getting back into the game until he has a jersey that covers his pads.

When this happens during the course of the game the player is allowed to leave the field without the team being penalized, but if he comes back on with an illegal jersey the team can lose a timeout or be hit with a delay of game penalty (if they are out of time outs).

You don't want to lose a timeout because someone's jersey is torn. So, yeah--it pays to have a sewing machine on the sideline (and someone that knows how to use it)!

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