Monday, January 6, 2014

Costly Turnover Leads to FSU Touchdown; Seminoles Down by 1 With 11 Minutes to Go

With the way the game has been going you would think that if there was going to be a turnover it was going to be a muffed kick, but instead it was Auburn QB Nick Marshall throwing just his second interception in nine games.

The question quickly becomes whether the Seminoles can take advantage of it, and the answer is....

From Bleacher Report
Yes! Chad Abram caught Winston's pass out in the flats and took 11 yards to pay dirt!

From Bleacher Report
They would have probably gone for two in order to tie the game up, but Devonta Freeman made some kind of gesture towards the Auburn bench. The refs caught and slapped him with a 15-yard penalty.

As much as they could use two points it just doesn't make sense to go for two from the 18-yard line.

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