Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meet Johnny Manziel's Latest WAG--the Lovely and Smoking Hot Lauren Hanley

Yeah, the autograph hounds and tabloids must be a pain in the butt to deal with; Twitter trolls can't be fun either. When push comes to shove though the truth is simple--it does not suck to be Johnny Manziel. The popular, party boy quarterback has declared for the NFL draft (as expected) which means one thing--we have not yet seen this kid party and he is now going to be doing it on his own dime and not Mom and Dad's (okay two things).

The ladies--well, the ladies are going to continue to love Johnny Football. He was spotted out with his latest WAG prior to the FSU/Auburn game and on a second 'date.' So as any good fan must--lets say hi to the lovely and smoking hot Lauren Hanley!

She models; in case you were wondering. If you want to see more of her the good folks over at Next Impulse Sports have a pretty big gallery.

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