Saturday, January 4, 2014

Singer John Legend Still Hates Riley Cooper--and After a Key Drop So Do Many More

Riley Cooper had a good night for the Philadelphia Eagles--over all. You could really say that he had a pretty good season for that matter catching 47 balls for 835 yards and eight touchdowns as the No. 2 wide receiver to DeSean Jackson.

For some the season he had is enough for folks to get over his racial slur at a Kenny Chesney concert during the preseason--but not all.

From Bleacher Report
During the game John Legend sent out the following tweet:

After getting a response from a follower he sent this in reply:

Legend is not the only one letting the Riley Cooper hate fly on Twittter. During the second half he had a key drop that killed a drive, and according to the haters that is why the Eagles lost the game.

Not because the running game never really got going.

Not because the defense couldn't stop the Saints on their final drive.

Saints running back Mark Ingram averaging over 5 yards a carry had nothing to do with it either.

But according to many folks on Twitter the loss is Cooper's fault because he dropped one pass and because karma is getting him back for getting drunk and saying something extremely stupid and inappropriate months ago.


If it was karma than how come the team lost? Shouldn't Cooper be the only one to suffer? Or is the team suffering because they forgave him and moved on? Because we need to hold on to hate, right Mr. Legend?

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