Sunday, January 12, 2014

WATCH: 49ers Ahmad Brooks Tries to Pull a Troy Polamalu While Cam Newton Pulls a John Stockton

When you make it to the NFL I imagine your engine has to be running so hard all the time that players must have a hard time containing themselves sometimes. They get paid the big money to make the big plays so sometimes you might need to push the envelope in order to make the play.

Like 49ers linebacker Ahmad Brooks did here when he tried to pull a Troy Polamalu-like move.

From Bleacher Report
As for Cam Newton's flop.  Well--I don't think the breeze Brooks created was that strong when he flew by or that the refs could miss someone fly over the middle of the line before the ball snaps, but just in case they did (not that the refs are blind or anything) he felt the need to pull a John Stockton and flop.

If this football thing doesn't work out for Cam his acting skills might work in the WWE....I'm just saying...

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