Thursday, January 9, 2014

WATCH: Coolest Technical Foul in Basketball

Technical fouls usually suck. They mean someone did something stupid like fight another player, curse at the ref, or argue too much. Cool is the last thing you'd use to describe a tech, but this one here--this one is hands down the coolest tech ever called in a basketball game.

The player at the center of the attention is Austin Hatch, a 6'6" forward that committed to Michigan back in 2011.

Now back in 2003 he was in a plane crash. His mother, sister, and brother died, but he and his dad survived. Shortly after committing to Michigan he was in another plane crash--this time his dad and stepmother died. He was put in a medically induced coma for two months.

Rather than being content with just living life and being happy he was alive he wanted to return to the basketball court. Three years after the crash he got back in to a game, this time for Loyola High School in Los Angeles. On his first shot he sank a three and the team--knowing full well what he had been through to get back on the court-- went wild.

In the process they delayed the game, but as the coach said the tech was well worth it.

[H/T/ NextImpulseSports]

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