Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wes Welker Looks Like a Bobble Head Doll With Freakishly Huge Helmet [PHOTO]

Wes Welker is back in action against the San Diego Chargers after missing time at the end of the season thanks to a concussion, but it appears that the team is concerned about him getting another if he gets whacked again. So....

They are having him wear this.

As goofy as it looks the helmet could be wear the future of helmets is heading for football. With all the attention that head injuries has gotten in recent years should this thing prove to be effective in reducing them I would not be surprised if everyone was eventually mandated to wear these things.

Till than the refs might want to watch out and make sure Welker doesn't use that huge noggin as a weapon. Could you imagine a running back leading with his head going into contact with one of those things?

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