Friday, February 28, 2014

PHOTO: Charlie Strong Decks Team Out in Awesome New 'Put the T Back in Texas' Shirts

When Charlie Strong took the job at Texas he knew he had his work cut out for him. Texas had been a good program the last few years, but not a great one--and that was what fans expected. To get the team back on track he has been steadily working on changing the culture.

Strong has been promoting 'Put the T back in Texas' Twitter. The new gear players were decked out in for a recent conditioning workout defined just what he meant.

via CollegeSpun

To show that it's more than just words he decided to jump right in to one of the drill the team was doing during a conditioning workout--a tug of war!

Jumping in during a tug of war is not going to win football games next season, but what it does do is help establish the base Strong needs to be a success in Austin. The players need to know that he is all in; that he will do what ever it takes. Small things like this help establish that.
Most of all it helps them believe in him and what he says. The sooner that happens the sooner real progress can be made, and the Longhorns can get back on top in the Big 12.
[To see the full report from the Longhorn Network on the team's off-season training click here.]

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