Sunday, April 20, 2014

Jesus Booed and Escorted Out of the Bruins Game on Easter? No! [VIDEO]

A handful of Boston Bruins fans nearly cost their team the game against the Detroit Red Wings Sunday. They nearly made the Big Man upstairs very angry--they booed his son. Yes, folks--Jesus was in attendance at the Bruins/Red Wings game in Boston Sunday.

He didn't have to rise from the dead to get there either--just had to say he'd do something if someone gave him a ticket to the game.

On Twitter he goes by the name 'Thor' and recently he appealed to the World Wide Web in hopes of getting a ticket for Sunday's game. It wasn't just any appeal though. No, he promised he would do something special--dress as Jesus.

Someone must have responded and followed through because he is at the game looking like the son of God.

Who in the world boos Jesus? Do they want to risk eternal damnation? Man! I can't stop shaking my head. Booing Jesus on Easter? Bad people; real bad.

According to a lot of the Twitter chatter he may have been arrested and escorted out of the game, but no one knows why. That wasn't what was happening in the video; the usher was just escorting him back to his seat.

Whatever happened  the people came to the senses as a whole by the end of the game. He was named the fan of the game.

Smart move Bruins fans. Smart move indeed,


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  1. "Jesus saves, Espo scores on the rebound."

  2. I thought it was Bobby Orr........:)

  3. They weren't booing "Jesus" they were booing the fact that this random guy dressed like him on Easter. People viewed it as a form of was a compliment to Jesus to boo the imposter.

    1. It was definitely a questionable call on the dude's part.

    2. How do you know it wasn't the real Jesus???

    3. What's bad is someone arrogant enough to seek attention by dressing as Jesus! That just shows how many people out there who really need HELP!!!

    4. They throw a guy out of the game even after he bought a ticket on Zombie Jesus Day

  4. He is welcome at a New Orleans Saints game anytime. Of course we are better behaved and more tolerant than those north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

  5. OK: we have a guy who crawls out of the grave to go to a hockey game, and he GETS BOOED? A guy dressed as Jesus Christ ON EASTER SUNDAY and he gets booed? It is said that Boston is the white-trash capital of the world, and you CAN'T say it isn't true!

  6. That is why they have so many terrorist come out of Boston.

  7. The only surprise is that it wasn't Philadelphia fans booing Jesus. It would have completed their Santa/Jesus double.

    1. philly fans would have given him a standing o

  8. liberal tolerance at its finest.

    democrats everywhere collectively hailed sattan

  9. Lighten up Boston.

  10. Here's a follow up to the story for those that are interested:
