Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rush Limbaugh Says Donald Sterling Controversy Magic Johnson and/or Barack Obama's Fault

If you have ever listened to Rush Limbaugh before than you are well aware that he can come up with some pretty off-the-wall theories on all kinds of things. Such is the case with the Donald Sterling racism case that has temporarily taken over the NBA.

In a nutshell--it's all a conspiracy because Sterling didn't (a) give enough money to Barack Obama's reelection campaign or (b) Magic Johnson wanted to drive the price of the Clippers down so he could buy the team.

During his show Monday Limbaugh went on a nice little tangent blaming President Obama for Sterling getting banned from the NBA for life. You know--because everything is Obama's fault (right, Rush?).

Had Rush done a little homework he would have discovered that Sterling is a republican which is probably why he didn't donate to Obama's campaign.

Limbaugh had another theory that was even better that he came up with after talking a little with a listener. To call it crazy--well, to call it crazy would be an understatement (via The Wire):
"...Folks,there's an intricate web being woven here. This babe, this sugar baby's all over LA sports. She with Sterling. She's with Magic.
I saw a picture of her, I think, with Steve Kemp of the Dodgers. Magic tries to buy the Dodgers. Wait a minute. Did Magic's group get the Dodgers? (interruption) Magic's group did get the Dodgers, and the Dodgers apparently aren't enough. Magic wants the Clippers. Yahoo News says. Not me, CNN. It's Yahoo News. (interruption) Guggenheim Partners? Who's partners with Guggenheim Partners? (interruption)..."
Again, he could have done a little homework first. Maybe than he would have realized the player was Matt Kemp, not Steve, but that's not important.

What is important is that he theorized a connection between Magic buying the Dodgers, pictures of Sterling's girlfriend with Matt Kemp and Magic Johnson, and Magic conspiring to drive the Clippers price down so he could buy the team.

And than he tried to blame the ridiculous theory on Yahoo? As Ochocinco would say--child please.

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