Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shaquille O'Neal Makes Some of UFC's Finest Look Like Toy Action Figures [PHOTOS]

Former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal is a big 'ole boy. That's a pretty well known fact. When you stand over seven feet tall and weigh 300+ you definitely qualify as big--but how big is he? We've seen him play and we've seen him during broadcast. Yeah, he's been in other things too, but most of the time he is around other basketball players.

So we can't really tell just how big he is until we see him around normal folk. You know--like some of the UFC's finest fighters.

via Twitter

Shaq was at UFC on FOX 11 Saturday night and got the chance to take a few photos with some of the best that the UFC has to offer. These are some of the fiercest men on the planet and by no means are they small--except for when they stand next to Shaq.

Maybe with the exception of Allistair Overeem. At 6'4" and 265 pounds he's no small fry himself.

However, when he stood next to Yoel Romero (6' and 185 pounds) it looked like Shaq was hugging a toddler.

Derrick Lewis (6'3" and 260 pounds) looks like Shaq's kid brother.


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