Saturday, May 3, 2014

Lance Stephenson Must Have Had His Cocoa Puffs Before Game 7

Lance Stephenson was all over the place for the Pacers in a pivotal Game 7 match-up with the Atlanta Hawks Saturday afternoon. Watching the game you could tell the man was feeling the flow and in the moment--not to mention having a little fun.

Like he did here when he honored the Kentucky Derby by galloping a little down the court (and after his sick pass resulted in a basket).

And here when he auditioned for--well, for something:

From Bleacher Report
But my favorite had to be this dunk late in the game when he let people know he was flying (dude, we where watching; we know).

From Bleacher Report
Kind of reminds me of the time I used to get a massive sugar high before practice.

Back in my college football days I can recall a particularly hard semester where I had way too many classes before practice; so many that I often missed the position meeting before practice because I was still in class. To keep from falling asleep between plays I started eating a Snickers and drinking a Jolt Cola (awesome stuff; especially with rum).

I started playing well in practice so I kept doing it. So what if I crashed and fell asleep in the dining hall after practice.

So if Lance is going coo coo for Cocoa Puffs before the game--keep doing it man. If that is what it takes to get games like the one he had Satursay (17 points, 11 rebounds, five assists)--eat up young man. Eat up.

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