Sunday, May 4, 2014

Longhorns DC Vance Bedford Gets Texas A&M Fans Riled Up on Twitter After Talking About Johnny Manziel

The rivalry will never die--that much we know for sure. The game may not happen for a longtime with the Aggies focusing on the SEC and Longhorns looking to take their brand global, but the rivalry will never die.

All you have to do is check out his Twitter feed from Sunday night.

It all started when he gave his opinion on Johnny Manziel and what he'll need to do once he gets to the NFL:

Some would back down once they are accused of spreading Twitter hate, but after being accused of it and someone bringing up Vince Young's career he responded with this:

Not a bad answer, but what I like best was what he said next not only in support of Manziel but any player from the state of Texas:

Lots of folks tried to goad him into a Twitter argument, but he wasn't biting:

You have to give the man credit for not reacting to folks that were just trying to get a rise out of him. However, when he sent out a tweet about his biggest rivals favorite son he had to know what would happen.

So basically he asked for it, but handled it like a champ.

And the rivalry lives on!

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