Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Minnesota Vikings RB Adrian Peterson Secretly Get Married?

If the rumor is true my faith in social media, the Twitter-atti, paparazzi, gossip mongers, and the media in general is completely blown away. How could no one--not even TMZ who has a camera everywhere--catch that Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson got married?

What has the world come to when you can't count on tabloids anymore?

Nothing has been confirmed just yet, so maybe the rumors are just that--rumors (still no excuse for missing it TMZ). However, the circumstantial evidence is building.

He's been dating Ashley Brown/Peterson for the longest time and the couple does have a child together. Ashley's Twitter bio certainly looks like the two are hitched (she goes by Peterson there), but apparently it has been that way for sometime.

What makes it seem like the two might have finally done the deed is a tweet she sent and a picture of the couple.

Over the weekend the couple attended the Starkey Hearing Foundation gala at the St. Paul RiverCentre. Monday the organization sent a tweet congratulating the couple and thanking them for coming.

In her reply she did not deny being newlyweds:

That part could still be explained as tweeting without thinking about what is being tweeted, but a picture from the event tells a tale:

Yeah, you don't hold your hand out like that and get the 'oh my God' face without a ring being on the finger.

So--to Mr. Peterson and his lovely wife congratulations. Not just for getting hitched, but for being able to do it and hide it from the media at the same time. That couldn't have been easy.

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