Monday, August 11, 2014

#ALSIceBucketChallenge: New USC HC Steve Sarkasian Calls Out Seahawks HC Pete Carroll

Have you been wondering why there are so many videos on Facebook and every other social media outlet of people dumping buckets of ice water over their heads? It's the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The idea is pretty simple. You dump a bucket of ice water over your head and nominate three others to do the same or donate $100 to an ALS organization.

New USC Trojans head coach Steve Sarkasian recently accepted the challenge and in the process decided he would call out a former USC head coach--Pete Carroll.

Here's Sarkasian taking the challenge:

Call it a hunch, but I think the Seahawks players would be just as eager to dump a bucket of ice water over Carroll's head after practice. They've sort of done it once already:

Should Pete Carroll accept he will not be the first coach to take the ALS Ice Challenge. Indianapolis Colts head coach Chuck Pagano has already taken it:

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