Thursday, August 14, 2014

Eric Decker Googled Geno Smith Before Signing With the New York Jets (and still signed)

Wide receiver Eric Decker surprised the world when he signed with the New York Jets during the off-season. Going from one of the best passers in the game to a team in dire need of one--willingly--seemed like career suicide.

However, what may be more surprising is that he actually did some research on Geno Smith and still made the move.

From the New York Post:

“I was impressed by the games I watched of Geno, and then I Googled and YouTubed interviews to get a feel of who he was as a person more than just the physical skill on the field,” Decker said. “That’s a big thing.

Okay--so he saw him play and still wanted to sign? Yeah, Geno had some good games last season, but he had some pretty horrendous ones too. Decker still liked what he saw though:

"...As a young guy, everyone goes through bumps. For me, it was how mentally strong he was and his potential I saw. It’s enormous as a veteran receiver. I want to be a part of this kid’s growth because I really see something that stands out.”

Well--I guess I can appreciate that. Smith did look good at times, and if he had better receivers maybe there would have been more good than bad.

So--was he crazy? We'll find out in a few weeks when the regular season starts.


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  1. I really think that this article is not realistic. How can Decker sign if he really knew what he was getting into. Geno is a decent QB but by far a QB that will get him numbers like he has last year with Manning. I think he is hoping that Vick wins the job from Geno. That is the real truth behind this article. Believe it!!!

    1. How is it not realistic? Decker said he googled Geno and thinks he has the potential to be a solid QB. Those are his words. Of course he is not going to put up Manning type numbers, but nowhere in the article is it implied that he will. If he was hoping Vick would be the QB why would he sign for as long as he did? Vick is going to be done in a couple years. Quit drinking and try commenting again once you can make sense.
