Friday, August 15, 2014

Houston Texans RB Arian Foster Shares a Little Too Much Information on Twitter

Houston Texans running back Arian Foster has always been his own man. Nothing has ever stopped him from saying what's on his mind, and if you didn't like it he would recognize your right to but not really care.

But has he ever been so forthcoming with information about himself that it made you think too much information man? If not, he has now.

via Twitter

For some odd reason he decided to tell the world today that he likes to pee in the hot tub

For most of us that means nothing, but for his teammates--well, they may want to drain the water out if they use the hot tub in the training room after him. At least he was nice enough to explain why it happens:

Foster has always been a unique individual, but this is even weird for him. In light of his tense relationship with the media, the NFL telling him to quit being a pest or risk being fined, and his disdain for rumor mongers on Twitter it would not surprise me if he was pulling a Marshall Henderson here and just trying to get a rise out of people.

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