Monday, August 11, 2014

Local Establishement Gives Miami Dolphins DL Jared Odrick Something Extra in his Salad--a Latex Glove! [PHOTO]

Miami Dolphins defensive lineman Jared Odrick is not a small man. If there is one thing that can be said about big men it is this--we love our food. Yes, we love our food even when it's healthy stuff like a salad or something. Heck, if that is all we are eating you better believe it better be a good damn salad.

Preferably one that is free of latex gloves.

That was not the case for Odrick Monday when he opened his salad:

Ouch. Is it just me or does it seem like whoever made it added the dressing after the glove was already in?

The company was quick to reply to Odrick's tweet:

It will be interesting to see what--if anything--the company does for Odrick in an effort to make up for it (not to mention save face in front of the media).


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