Saturday, August 16, 2014

Minnesota Vikings QB Teddy Bridgewater Makes a Great Impression With a Pair of Fourth Quarter Touchdown Passes [GIF]

It was only a matter of time before Teddy Bridgewater threw his first touchdown for the Vikings. What we did not know is when it would come and in what fashion. Would it be a big play that saw him throw it deep and in to double coverage? Would it be a short route that saw the receiver do most of the work?

Or would it showcase his ability to thread the needle and find a receiver in traffic? (see below for answer)

At this point in the game you have guys that fighting for their jobs still so they are playing for more than the thrill of victory. They want a job! So while there may not be as much pressure to win there is pressure to earn a roster spot (and the fat paycheck that comes with it).

What's my point? This wasn't just a garbage TD against scrubs in a preseason game.

For good measure Teddy went ahead and led the Vikings on another touchdown drive late in the game to lead the team to victory:

Well done Mr. Bridegwater. Well done indeed.

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