Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mississippi State Self Reports Most Ridiculous NCAA Violation Yet--a Sticker

The NCAA has rules. It needs to have rules. If it didn't than who knows what some schools would try to get away with, right? They may eat too much pasta, have a little too much icing on a cookie cake, play laser tag or--perish the thought--putt putt golf.

But that is not all. It could get worse. Someone might put an illegal sticker on a something for a recruit--right Mississippi State?

As stupid as it sounds that is actually a violation; one that thre Bulldogs committed (from the Clarion Ledger):
"Mississippi State sent out a "Junior Day" invitation. The back of the envelope was sealed with an "Elite Junior Day 2014 Official Invite" sticker. The contents were within the guidelines. The sticker was deemed a violation."
A sticker used to make sure an envelope did not spontaneously open is something the NCAA feels the need to legislate.



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