Wednesday, August 6, 2014

New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees Gets to Exact a Little Revenge on Sean Payton (with a little help from his friends)

Sometimes players and coaches will get a little silly to break up the monotony of training camp life with a joke or two. Nothing too big; just some harmless fun. You know--like last week when Saints head coach Sean Payton put a Rogaine patch on the jersey of his quarterback, Drew Brees.

The best part about pranks is of course getting revenge. During training camp Wednesday Drew Brees was able to get his with the help of his fellow QBs.


Apparently at some point over the weekend Payton had some issues with driving his golf cart. So with the help of a crash test dummy Brees and company recreated that crash with deadly results.

Now the real question is this--does Payton let it end here or does he one up his QB?

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