Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oregon Ducks Self-Report Violations Involving a Shaving Kit, Laser Tag, and Putt-Putt Golf

About a week or so ago the news broke that South Carolina had self-reported one of the most ridiculous violations ever--too much icing on cookie cakes. They aren't the only ones that self-reported violations. Just about everyone does because it's better to bust yourself than for the NCAA to do it.

That's likely why the Oregon Ducks self-reported a few violations. While the reason is not as ridiculous as South Carolina's it is still pretty darn funny.

According to OregonLive there were about a dozen or so violations reported. Some of them were typical (and boring) ones like sending an illegal text, but there were a couple that were just down right funny.

Last fall a recruit's dad forgot his shaving kit so someone on staff hit the store and bought him one. Seems like the staffer was just being polite, right? By the rules a gift to Dad is akin to giving it to the kid, and that's a big no-no.

The baseball team had the best one. It seems that the team stopped for dinner one night at a place that happened to have laser tag and putt-putt golf on site. So boys being boys--they played. As it turns out that qualified as 'impermissible entertainment.'

It is important to note that teams are allowed to provide some entertainment during meals for players as long as it does not get excessive (which this apparently was).

Rules are necessary for anything, and especially something as broad as the NCAA. Legislating what too much fun is though? There has to be something more important for the NCAA to do than that.


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1 comment:

  1. Mobile laser tag is an exciting, new and fun way to experience the thrill of outdoor skirmish. It’s an ideal activity for kids birthday parties or teenagers with lots of energy to burn!

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