Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Should Washington Redskins LB Brian Orakpo Been Flagged for Taunting Johnny Manziel? [GIF]

One of the early highlights (low?) of Monday night's game between the Cleveland Browns and Washington Redskins was a first quarter sack of Johnny Manziel. Actually, while the sack was the important part of the play it's something after it that has received the bulk of the attention.

I'm talking about Brian Orakpo taunting Manziel by flashing Johnny Football's well-known 'money' sign--which should/could have been a taunting penalty.

During the off-season the NFL announced that it is going to be enforcing a rule that is already on the books--the taunting rule (as defined by the NFL Rule Book):
(c) The use of baiting or taunting acts or words that engender ill will between teams.
(d) Individual players involved in prolonged or excessive celebrations. Players are prohibited from engaging in any celebrations while on the ground. A celebration shall be deemed excessive or prolonged if a player continues to celebrate after a warning from an official.
(e) Two-or-more players engage in prolonged, excessive, premeditated, or choreographed celebrations.
(f) Possession or use of foreign or extraneous object(s) that are not part of the uniform during the game on the field or the sideline, or using the ball as a prop.
Call me crazy, but that could easily have qualified as (c).

The NFL said that it would be emphasizing taunting this season--so should it have been called? No, but not because it doesn't qualify.

The league office needs to relax and quit over-officiating. This is a perfect example of the latter. Most 'taunting' is harmless and should not be called (like here). Making stuff like this a penalty is going to have a direct impact on the game--and it shouldn't.

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  1. Please tell me you don't get paid for this.

  2. NFL: No Fun League
    What a wussy game this has become!
    Skirts should be mandatory.
