Monday, August 11, 2014

WATCH: Philadelphia Eagles RB LeSean McCoy Makes 'Announcement' Concerning Use of 'PEDs'

It seems like every day we hear about another player getting busted for using some sort of PEDs in the NFL. Sometimes we are surprised by who makes the announcements; sometimes we are not. It is, however, something that we never like to hear.

So when Philadelphia Eagles running back LeSean McCoy said he had an announcement concerning his workouts the hearts of fantasy owners and Eagles fans skipped a beat.


After watching the video of him tossing a 45-pound plate like a Frisbee and pics of him flipping two massive tires at the same time and hearing he has an 'announcement' to make the best case would be for him to admit they were fake.

Either that or that his 'announcement' is actually a really clever commercial:

Performance enhancing dryer sheets. Ha. You got us.

Shady and Bounce are not just poking fun at those who have been busted using actual PEDs though. No, Bounce is willing to put its money where its funny bone is and offer a challenge of sorts to McCoy:

One he is glad to accept:

Well done Shady and Bounce. Well done indeed.

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