Thursday, August 21, 2014

WATCH: Philadelphia Eagles Run the Best Screen Play in the History of the NFL

Whenever you call something the best you are asking for the haters to come out and do what they do best--tell you that you are wrong, you suck, you're stupid, and you must not watch much football if you think this is the best.

In spite of that I feel confident in calling this screen play the Eagles ran against the Steelers Thursday night the best screen play in the history of the NFL (so bring it haters).

via Gfycat

A screen play is supposed to have certain elements to it:
  1. The quarterbacks needs to do something to suck some defenders in and/or deflect their attention away from the play (Nick Foles does a great job of that here)
  2. The running back needs to catch the ball behind his pulling offensive lineman who smile as they take out the much smaller linebackers and defensive backs that get in their way (check)
  3. No. 2 only works if the running back followers his blockers (check)
  4. Just in case the running back breaks the play wide open the wide receivers downfield need to pick up a block (check)
It's not like the Eagles ran this against some chump defense either. The Steelers defense is a solid group, but when you have everyone do their job like the Eagles offense did on this play you are going to get a perfectly executed play.

Is this the best screen play ever? Whether it is or not I think it is safe to say Chip Kelly and Eagles fans everywhere are happy with it and will take it

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