Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Texas Rangers Pitcher Nick Tepesch Threw 400 MPH Against Oakland? That's What the Radar Gun Said...

Sometimes under extreme circumstances people are capable of doing things that people refer to as 'super-human.' There are all sorts of stories about mom's going beast mode and lifting trucks off of their babies, but that is truly an extreme circumstance. Pitching for a team that has been out of playoff contention for sometime does not qualify as such.

So how in the world did a so-so pitcher like Texas Rangers Nick Tepesch throw 400 MPH against the A's in Oakland Tuesday night?

He couldn't have, but the gun doesn't lie, right? This was after his fast ball:

His change-up was not as deadly, but still pretty nasty:

For a guy whose fastball averages around 89 MPH that's a pretty big improvement. So--did he find the fastest acting performance enhancing drug in the world or is there another and much more logical explanation?

Like the stadium speed gun is obviously not working?


Upgrade your diggs already Oakland. You are starting to look like the Cleveland Indians from Major League, but as long as you play like they did at the end of the movie rather than the beginning:

[H/T FanDuel]

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