Friday, October 10, 2014

WATCH: Royals Slugger Alex Gordon Nailed in the Back of the Head With a Pitch

When you have a player that is red hot at the plate the one way you can cool him down is to pitch around him. Give him nothing to hit and he can't hit. However, if you are a dirty rat of a pitcher there's another way you can get a batter to back off.

Nail him in the head with a pitch.


In the interest of sportsmanship I'm going to assume that Alex Gordon getting nailed was accidental (probably was). He certainly had the hot hand going in to the above a-bat in the 8th inning with a pair of hits and a couple of RBIs.

So--did the blow slow him down?

Absolutely not. His home run in the 10th gave the Royals a 6-5 lead.

His teammates were certainly proud of him when he got back to the dugout.

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