Saturday, October 11, 2014

WATCH: TCU Puts the Fun in Football With Crazy Trick Play (and it worked!)

Certain players are supposed to do certain things on the football field. In a nutshell on offense linemen block, quarterbacks pass, running backs run, and wide receivers catch. Pretty simple, right? On one play it sure wasn't for TCU--but it was by design

The Horned Frogs decided to get a little tricky on Baylor--well, it was more than just a little tricky.


Pretty much the only guys that did there usual job on this play was the offensive linemen, but if it was possible to work them in to the mix some other way TCU probably would have tried. Let's break this down:

  • the quarterback hands off to a wide receiver
  • who then hands it off to another wide receiver
Yes, I know that wide receiver on occasion take hand-offs, but its not their primary function so its still a bit of a role reversal. Anyway...

  • the quarterback has to lay down a block to free the wide receiver up
  • who then throws the ball down field to the running back

Awesome. Simply awesome.

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