Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Denver Broncos Sack-Master DeMarcus Ware Says Quarterbacks Have a Smell

Denver Broncos defensive end DeMarcus Ware has been sacking quarterbacks in the NFL for 10-years and he's pretty good at it (127 and counting). Throw in how ever many he had in college, high school, and pee wee and it is probably safe to say that if there is anything to know about sacking quarterbacks he knows it.

So when he says he quarterbacks have a smell I believe him.

Prior to last week's game against Buffalo Ware was quoted in an ESPN blog post talking about how he didn't sack Alex Smith the week before but did get to feel him and "smell him a little bit."

What? Quarterbacks have a smell? Apparently so, but pray tell--what?
“Like smelly socks, jersey that’s been sitting in his locker for a long time, little skittish, you see ghosts coming from him a little bit when you get close to him. But a quarterback is a quarterback."
Does Peyton?
“Sometimes he does; I’m not going to lie."
Wait--doesn't every football player smell like socks and jerseys? Yeah, but I'm not going to tell DeMarcus that. He might try to sack me (and it looks like it might hurt--a lot).


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