Tuesday, December 9, 2014

NFL to Tell Refs No Emotional Displays of Any Kind After Denver Broncos Fist Bump Flap

During Sunday's Broncos-Bills game one of the stupidest controversies in the history of professional sports was born. Strange thing is it did not involve a single player. It really didn't involve something that happened during play. It involved one of the most common things seen on a football field these days.

It involved a fist bump, but not just any fist bump. It was between--brace yourself--the referees!

via Twitter

Many folks assumed it meant these guys were dirty and trying to impact the outcome of the game with their calls, but it was actually something very, very innocent. It was one guy telling another good job for making a tough call.

Gee--just like players congratulating each other for making good plays.

Folks were up-in-arms over the whole thing so to make sure it doesn't happen again the NFL is telling the refs not to fist bump among other things:

Hopefully this is a joke because if it isn't than the NFL has truly become ridiculous.

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