Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Keith Olberman Returns to Show and Makes Plea to Stop Twitter Trolling [VIDEO]

Last week ESPN suspended Keith Olberman for the stupid and incredibly insensitive tweet he made in reference to Penn State students raising over $13 million to benefit pediatric cancer research. If you missed it, in a word he called the efforts pitiful. What was pitiful of course was not the efforts by the Penn State community, but that a journalist made the comment.

What makes it even more pitiful is that Olberman did not even know what he was commenting on. During his show Monday he commented on the controversy and admitted that he was going on Twitter for the sole purpose of trolling or as he called it "batting practice."

He doesn't come out right and say "I'm sorry" but he did make a pretty good speech about the evils of social media and his own connection to cancer.

What do you think Penn State fans? Is he forgiven?

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